word. I'm glad this story was on the first because the ikea monkey was hands down my favorite thing that happened in 2012.
word. I'm glad this story was on the first because the ikea monkey was hands down my favorite thing that happened in 2012.
The reason anonymous statements have less weight is that it gives the listener less to work with on making their own view on it. Any time you bring in new leadership to make changes feathers get ruffled. This could be coming from some spoiled player who now has to turn his brain back on or just a malcontent. It could…
Thanks for bringing up pointy boots. I had forgotten and that vid made my day.
wait. But did it know "schlepping"?
OH! EMM! GEE!!! Nothing will ever top this! This makes the dapper little ikea monkey look about as cute as warthog.
Yeah I get it. But let's keep this all in perspective. A picture of her in this guy's email somewhere is far from damning. She could be affiliated with the booster club or related to someone who is. The picture of guys holding up a drunk girl is being circulated. I've been at parties where we did that to move a passed…
OK my bad. I'm 35 and for a short period a couple years ago I actually dated a girl who was nineteen. I thought she was twenty five or six and he thought I was twenty eight. Nothing physical ever happened but we actually would have been pretty compatible. I'd hate to think someone would judge me for that. It's hard…
This is pretty much in the non-discussion category. The hobbit is small tale of an adventurous romp to get some gold. The social setting of Tolkien's work fit into a middle ages sort of vibe so it isn't hard to think women might not be brought along for such activities. Also in the larger scoped Lord of the Rings the…
Yeah that's not cool.
Sorry to all the armchair commentators calling foul but . . . As a college hockey player let me inform you what happened here. That hit is not that big. The kid who got laid out had his head down and is obviously not that good on his skates. The contact was made as they were both going for the puck. Yeah the kid who…
Isn't that a bit judgmental? What exactly does it matter if he fooled around with some girls younger than he before you dated?
I've never understood the idea that an initial shit talker is more justified than someone who holds their ground and jabs back. Who cares if Judd Apatow decided to fling a few rocks back?
Real but it's not a cloud. Well it is a cloud but not a natural one. The legs are formed by smokestacks.
All for a lousy public apology?
Are they simulate dust devils made of iron oxide and a lack of a magnetic field?
Ha. Still this statement, even if unprovoked, just sounds like the words of a dedicated artist to me. Am I missing something?
I'm not seeing the problem with an actress speaking about being emotionally attached to her work. Also could this be one of the oldest crap journalism tricks in the book? It's where you quote someone responding to a question (usually from another journalist) as if they decided to hold a press conference and say it.…
This case seems justified but let's not be cavalier about empowering criminal organizations to assign guilt.
I remember while reading a passage from Wilhelm Reich he describes a point at which he decided to stop accepting priests as patients.
It's a fine point but hear me out. Technically he was not cockblocked by the guitar guy. She found her own way to the guitar guy. What was he going to do? Somehow recognize subtle signals from him that he had dibs? Get real. Bottom line: make a move. You snooze....