
Well, he’s not wrong.

Magnificent lol

“Sony is proud to announce Bloodborne 2! Also, the game only works on Sony television sets.”

“Just because someone doesn’t get the joke doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make it.”
- everyone’s asshole uncle

I actually subscribe to the theory that someone put a gigantic electromagnet in my car and it only activates when an RX250/350 is within a 10 ft radius of me.

So that brings up my next question: how much fuel is required to start a turbine engine? If it isn’t a terribly large amount, why not shut the engine off once the battery is fully charged and then restart it below a certain threshold?

“Japan has always been open to people becoming Japanese citizens, even under the Shogun”...maybe learn some history...Japan is famously antagonistic to immigration...it is still accepted to discriminate in terms of hiring based on ancestry...Japan is so anti-foreigner it’s silly...I think you have an awfully rosy

Looks like we got one a them “round earthers,” here, boys!

Wow, I thought I was the only one that reads Jalop all day instead of working.

Look, just make sure that Shane & Shep can still get me deals on wrenches and motor oil; everything else is just fluff.

I think it’s worth every bit of 95,000 (replica) dollars.

If anyone’s ever ridden dinky on the back of a buddy’s Grom, please recount the experience in the comments.

I’m almost positive had well OVER 100 years of legitimate development on solar and wind power.

At first I didn’t know the guy and liked the idea of a flamboyant Italian executive leading Chrysler. But I’ve grown to loathe Sergio.

A cynical part of me hopes he never gets caught so he can forever be the mystery vigilante fighting against the tyranny of left lane hogs.

I also thought of Drew Carey from the Price is Right era because that’s what he looks like. I remember most of Carey from The Drew Carey show. Now someone’s going to show up and say, “I remember Drew Carey from his appearance in Coneheads” and someone else is going to be even older and we’re all old and there will

Walking in the street with Mustangs around. Man you got balls for days.

I definitely plan to take the course, I wanna have fun but I have to stay safe out there. I just asked because I’ve always found other people’s experiences can be huge learning aides. I don’t plan on anything too risky, like the “traffic kung fu” (which I’m stealing BTW) or lane splitting. Spacing I’ll have to work