
So, I’m gonna sound dumb for asking, but I’m new to this. I’m looking into a bike to get around campus and to work, as a guy with kids, is this something to make a habit when I begin riding? Any other safety tips that seem like common sense to a rider but not so much to a normie like myself? This really would never

You shut your dirty mouth

That was cool with the forward canopy roof. I still Saab at the thought of it not being real.

Because it looks eleventy million times better than that sad excuse for an A5 that got unveiled today...

This is one of the biggest draws for me.

Maybe I missed this somewhere in the article, but....

WOOOOO! If it makes you feel any better I am 29 and didn’t know until a month or two ago. Haha, my wife and I figured it out, there is also the other side, which is a peach, so I guess you can figure out what that one means.


ohhhhhhhh. So, dilution is the solution to prosecution huh?

my moms slk and clk both had that, was more of a button at the bottom but it caused a downshift

My ‘86 190e had the kickdown feature, it worked just fine and was kind of fun and satisfying at the same time.

I’ve driven cars (bmws, but clearly there are others) that were like that. The pedal has a normal stop point, but if you push 50% harder, it presses a button that forces a downshift.

It is the emoji people use to signify a phallus.

An exception for collectible cars will be put in place, it hasn’t been enacted yet, but it most likely will be in the next couple of months. Also the fine is 40$ for driving your 1996 car in the city and the fine will only be given when/if the driver is behind the wheel (the Carte Grise gets checked). So it will

Guys, come on. How many TG stories is this now in the last 24 hours, eight? Nine?

Jesse Eisenberg suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder, and I would imagine that that makes doing live, relatively unscripted TV like the star-in-a-whatever-car segment pretty uncomfortable for him.

this, though, is on a new level. just watch it and see...

My imaginary friend says your imaginary friend is silly.

The irony of your statement is that most of the people that define these "American Standards" are dicks too.