
A wealthy, racist politician? That’s only surprising if you actually believe liberals can’t be racist.

To make him Man(ne) Hathaway, I suppose.

The dismissal of the ACA from the Splinter-left is one of the clearest signs of their political ignorance. Both of the benefits of the program, and the political reality that made it the best option that could be passed.

What the fuck was the point of this?


I think everyone should be vetted, but I do wish that included AOC (and Bernie). I don’t get how you do this piece, but publish puff piece after puff piece on AOC’s beauty routine or dancing or whatever narcissistic attention seeking shit she posted on social media this day without even bothering to look at her

Music class sucked.

Seriously just look at Jezebel as the Fox version of millenial news. It’s fun and informative about said millenials, but hella light on details, facts that don’t become them, reporting, deep dives, context, accuracy, spelling, grammar, consistency, impartiality....

How old are you anyway?

Yep! And where are all the pieces on this alleged feminidt blog about how he deliberately paid women poverty wages, far below what their male subordinates made, on his 2016 campaign? There was a female state director who made $2k a month (less than entry level field positions), and found out a man she managed was

This. I’m against criminalizing truancy, but folks (and journalists who know better) are acting like these situations are just because someone’s kid was late to school 20 times and not a situation where the student is missing 1/2 of the academic school year and CPS has already been involved.  Education is a basic

I mean, Kamala has some very bad sections on her record in addition to the good (I’m in California, I’m aware). But I’ve yet to see Jez go after Sanders truly atrocious, ratfucking gun control record, while Gillibrand, Warren, Beto, and Harris have all been under the microscope over the past few months. Nor his

Thank you for providing an actual, experienced take on this. The writer’s take is so wildly loaded and evidence-free. I’m getting really sick of Jezebel’s willfully ignorant, one-sided and often idiotic perspectives on viable candidates.  

It also implies that because the writer believes that the anti-truancy laws are bad that Harris must KNOW that they are bad and either perpetuates them because she is malicious or selfish. It is this type of purity bullshit that constantly has the left eating itself. 

In 2012, as a result of the statewide law that passed with Harris’s backing, one woman, Lorraine Cuevas, was sentenced to 180 days in jail, after her two young children missed more than 100 days of school.

1) I’m undecided on Harris.

we run the risk of being glib if we rush for click-baity headlines like “This is what Truancy Laws do”.

And the fact that it was only used against 20 parents shows that they weren’t just running around charging anyone. It was likely used in specific cases where it felt relevant.

I was a prosecutor in Upper Marlboro for around eight years, several of which were in Juvenile. I didn’t do adult truancy much - the Juvenile Chief handled them, primarily - but I handled some of them when she needed help. My time in Juvenile was the saddest in my career, watching these young people who desperately

Also, what’s up with the headlines? You don’t even say “what truancy laws do.” Do they lead to mass incarceration? You seem to imply that in your last paragraph, but you have even less evidence of that than there is of the policy working.