
Also turn off your computer and stop using electricity or driving anywhere or eating food that doesn’t grow in your climate zone, you charming little iconoclast you.

The cultural angle Fyre Fraud tries to peddle was so annoying to me. I also grew up with the internet and I’m a millennial. It has not turned me into a scammer. It takes them almost 50 minutes to even say the word “white.” This guy didn’t fail upwards because he’s a millennial, he was able to pull this off because of

What about all these countries between us and Venezuela?

I call it sphincter news as its the asshole of GMG, and full of butthurt folks.

Yesss both these sites are the epitome of privileged white butthurt while ignoring POC. Full of whitesplaining. 

I have never been happier than when I got grayed from Splinter and never un-grayed. Likely because I defended a person calling one of their reporters a privileged child independent of their ownership of a vagina. Misogyny is real, but so is trying to act more left-than-thou while sneering at POCs. 

eating shit with Donald was already taken.

That’s how you make a return.  Dang.  

That’s a bit harsh, but only a bit!

Thank you! Kinja has always behaved like a cranky ass Old Testament god but the last few weeks were epic. 

Oh there’s no way Kinja has a web design department. It’s clearly contract work and they paid on the cheap and just don’t want to pay someone to fix it.

“What’s that just dropped on the floor?”

Without checking the grays, I am going to say as of right now there's five.

No they don’t. But they just love antagonizing black people. 

With every day that passes, I’m more convinced that the Kinja IT department is a single intern with a 10-year-old copy of “Blogging for Dummies.”

Can we add in the IT department? Because a month of fucked-up Kinja is 30 days past the point where you sack the fuckers and hire someone who can fix shit!

Killed it.

I’m sorry for your loss.