
“Rhythmic clothes removal professional”

u are funny as hell

I’m trying to explain why I'm laughing at “twerk technician” to a non-native English speaker and all it’s doing is making me look like a crazy American.

No kidding. I mean damn, it’s Sunday morning and he’s already rolling out the one liners and I still haven’t even had a proper breakfast yet.


Y’all keep talking. Here they’ll come,  thundering over to our table and there won’t be any left.

You could’ve asked for “scrimp”  :D

Shhhh. Don’t tell them. More for us.

Amy Schumer, come get your racist sister.

Tang is bad and you should feel bad.

What kind of wings are y’all eating that require that amount of effort? You just put it in your mouth, bite down a little, suck, and pull it out. It takes two seconds. Three when you have to pinch the end of the flat to separate the bones.

I only eat chicken in the form of wings, thighs, legs, and nuggets from McDonald’s. Chicken breasts do not exist to me. 

Drums? You like that white meat? 

Your whole comment reads like the name of one of those albums Ludacris did for... some liqueur? I don’t know, funny to me.

Really? You tried to make this post into a root after dark post in the first paragraph 

No, I seem to think that the money I spend at a restaurant goes directly to the few execs who plot to take rights away from my husband and me.

I have to ask, to the people who say Chickfila is really delicious.. do you guys ever go to a real restaurant? Is fast food a regular part of your meals every week? Because I find it edible but I don’t find it any better than any other fast food sandwich. Being the best garbage is still garbage.

I usually eat at Wendy’s at least once a month. Gotta have that Spicy Chicken goodness.

So I guess Juz didn’t take the buyout?