
Meanwhile, these same self-appointed neighborhood watch losers continue to get robbed blind by people they know. If there’s one characteristic that I would appoint to practically all white people is the inability to do proper risk assessment.

$5 says the bitch that called the cops knew EXAXTLY who she was because she voted for the person she defeated

Yeah, dude's just trollin'.

I mean, why do they care if she’s having sex with her husband or nah? I swear, I’ll never understand people’s toxic need to be in other people’s business. I love Cardi B, but I think she needs to take a page out of Beyoncé’s book and get ghost on people when she doesn’t have a new project coming lol.

A-1 and mayo?! You can’t just hide that confession in the middle of the article and then move along like that isn’t a cry for help.

“What’s the proper etiquette in this situation?”

This is the thing that never ceases to piss me off about entitled customer bullshit.  The fact that they honestly think some poor schmuck making minimum wage is somehow masterminding company policy to screw them over.

Les Twins danced WITH Beyonce. She knows talent and sought them out. So proud and happy for this new adventure!!

I keep thinking about the time a decade ago where the TSA flagged my power cables, but missed the giant scissors I forgot were in my carry on. 

Funny you mention... my wife got super upset with me years later, planning a vacation, when I didn’t correctly parse the differences between “sandals” “flip flops” “slides” and “tevas.” Language in the Midwest, it seems, is very precise.

You do realize that TSA jobs are mostly $10/hr/minimum wage positions. So the idea of someone who doesn’t give a fuck cause they ain’t paid enough giving you a colonoscopy is worse than the person who would actually know how to do the procedure properly.

Don’t give them any more ideas, please, qwertt ...

Ugh... When I got married, I made the mistake of describing the restaurant where we had dinner as "Midwest fancy" to my West coast family.  The nuance between jeans and khakis got real, guys.

So next week then, do you suppose they will have enough doctors available and on-site to read the results of those soon-to-be-implemented TSA colonoscopies?

Jesus knew we needed a win. And he was like, I got y’all.

Damn straight. (Also, I miss you.)

Would have been a perfect time for a giant meteor.....

And that the Democratic leadership lined up to chastise her ass for fighting back.

Yup, and they’ll try to take all the credit if Maxine Waters manages to build something with traction.

Eat a dick, bootlicker.