
Gotta say, Isha’s grown on me a bit. A *bit*.

I bet no one at Splinter even knows about Ramos and Rivera, who are the only writers there who actually do good work.

Never mind. I checked it out for myself.....wow...

Wait what? Are they no longer producing Latinx content?

This editor?:

I am here because you are PREACHING.

You sir, may have somehow forgotten that Sanders was gonna save us all. Or just those of us that were white brogressives.

Wypipo doing some grand revisionist history. I don’t know how I keep getting tricked out of expecting anything less or anything else.

Yo bad.

Can’t have all them Latinx articles. Krueger needs the space to work off her Bernie Sanders daddy issues

...are you suggesting Splinter is Jezebel Plus?😈😈😈

Jorge Rivas is still on staff; maybe somebody should ask. Of course, there is also a big mess at the top of Univision ownership. That might have something to do with it. I’m on my phone & can’t get it right away, but you can go to Gizmodo and type into the search box.

I meant that I didn’t consider it gawker lite in that there is none of gawker’s sense of humor. Absolutely none at all. It’s a shame they took fusion and turned it into that mess. Everything else you are spot on.

I miss you.


It’s not even that. it’s Dunning Krueger’s merry little band of fauxgressives hellbent on whinging about the “centrist” boogeyman.

Illogical points? Check.

Ya know, I completely blanked out on that. You’re 110% right. What’s weird is that according to their website, they are still very much connected with Jalopnik, Deadspin, etc. It really needs to have a presence on Kinja.

The same reason it’s up to women to fix gender inequality: It can’t fucking happen without the people who have the power (and don’t want anything to change).

Catahoulas are the best dogs.