
If these are the winners, then.....? I can’t say any of them have my mouth watering but I would try, if offered, before making a final decision.

Hold your horses bro!

He is going to be so fucking jacked when he gets out of prison.

I’m happy to here this. I was worried for half a second. I’m a cyclist, and have been for years. But this year I finally got a little more serious about my recovery nutrition. I was one of those hipsters who was like “Bah, I can eat a good dinner I don’t need supplements.

I’ve split up with a few friends because they started bringing their significant other to everything we did. It’s healthy to get away from them for a day, see your friends. Talk about the kinds of things you need to talk about while you are away from your S/O.

On average, protein quotas should be in the 55g range for men and 45g for women

every day i interact with a myriad of law enforcement officials. they are polite, genuine, acquiescent, and a bunch of other things that make most a pleasure to work with.

This article only applies to those living a sedentary lifestyle and should be noted as such. 55g of protein is nowhere near enough to maintain or support the muscle growth of athletes or people that workout strenuously multiple times a week.

Why does it seem like when people say ‘detox’ they actually mean ‘diarrhea’)

(Disclaimer: I’m not a nutritionist or a fitness expert, and I never really work out; I’ve just read some things on the internet.)

Eh, me too, but I don’t go telling everyone else it’s going to detox them. It’s just nice to have a little sodi-yum in your water once in a while.

Clearly, we’ve found the tipster.

We are the same bitch, I was just about to say the same thing. I’ve always gotten a weird vibe from him, whenever I caught an interview with him on tv or whatever.

This fad has me really upset, to an unusual degree, you could say i’m very....something over it. Just can’t think of the word.

we been knew

Oh he’s been basura.


It’s one thing to be a horn dog. But for some reason, whenever he would do interviews, I just got a weird vibe from him.

I’m... not actually surprised by this.

same girl. same