
Great. Now I want a beef flavored cheez-it.

she is happily married again.

I don’t understand who all these people are that follow brands on social media—or why! Fucking Cheerios has more than 1.1 million followers on Facebook. There’s really a million people out there who give a fuck about Cheerios social media content? Cheez-It has more than 3.5 million. Cheez-it! Fuck everything.

Honestly, I’m kind of impressed that every sandwich I’ve ever gotten at Subway — no matter the permutation — has managed to taste exactly the same.

This all rings true to me. Of course, folks can be pro-black with a non-black partner, but it requires doing the work on those issues from both in the relationship. It’s the not doing the work part that gets people riled up. And I think that’s true on differences in class, religion, political philosophy, and a host of

Yeah, like...I can imagine that having most of your legislative agenda and legacy dismantled, piece-by-piece, by an utter fucking buffoon would leave a bad taste in one’s mouth.

Working on getting the Obama Foundation and presidential library seems like a good use of his time to me. Also that time off? Well earned. I hope he and his family enjoyed every second of it.

Im sure that this is going to be a measured, productive and nuanced discussion

It would appear that Obama must continue to play the “Magical Negro” role until white liberals are satisfied with his overall performance.

lol@ her forever for claiming that overinflated cottage cheese butt was from pregnancy.

I’m a fan. But you had me a long time ago....


A Tuesday night season premiere, plus its regular Wednesday night episodes. My DVR is ready.

I’ll never understand how body attributes can become a “trend” as if you can take them on and off like a pair of culottes.

thank you - and yet I remain ensconced in grey :(

“I’ll have the orange roughie.” “Hey! This is just an unpeeled orange in a bowl! I ordered fish!”

DON’T BE AN ASSHOLE. If you have never been desperate and scared you’ll lose your home then be thankful and don’t shit on others where that reality is a paycheck away. They are not dumb.

The kind of shit you got to put up with just to keep a job and pay some bills is proof being employed can make so many folks dumb as fuck.

Ergo, they are not really smoothies. They are roughies.

So Thanos was right?