
Hey Boo. I missed you.

To your point, I never said they were. However, your comments initially read as if you felt she was trying to suppress her blackness by straightening her hair or staying out of sun—or even dating white men (which her clearly black mother obviously did, as well). My counter was that while you may not like her, what you

Is she not supposed to claim her other race?

Listen. I remember years ago when she came for Kim hearing people tell her how karma was gonna get here.

I don’t what person “that” person is, but I do know that I don’t know this woman beyond what I’ve read about her, anymore than you know me. So, I think it might behoove us both to not make assumptions about the identity or intentions of someone we don’t know personally, or assume we are entitled to qualify anyone

I don’t what person “that” person is, but I do know that I don’t know this woman beyond what I’ve read about her, anymore than you know me. So, I think it might behoove us both to not make assumptions about the identity or intentions of someone we don’t know personally, or assume we are entitled to qualify anyone

I was being a bit hyperbolic to counteract your inane notion that staying out of the sun is bad or at least on the same level as bleaching one’s skin.

If you think the song and performance ends at Chun Li the video game character, then I suggest you go read some books or visit a museum before proclaiming others are being angry without thinking.

It’s so weird that someone would react that way to the two of you collaborating on this piece.

IDK if it’s cultural appropriation but it IS an ugly ass costume.

YES! I didn’t say anything at first because I thought I was being petty but my god:

Fun fact: Michael didn’t need anyone. We both had strong opinions about it, and since we’re on the same team, decided to collaborate on it.

You are rude. So who is gonna receive most of the backlash from the Barbz, you or me?

Actually, I would never use the term “Oriental” to describe a person. However, it is the common and differentiated term for describing inanimate objects, which is what I was doing.

She’s sort of doing what Taylor Swift did this go around in that she’s crafting and embracing heel turn, using the frame of villains from comic books and video games. Which is as a concept is actually very fun and on brand for her. Except that Chun Li isn’t a villian, she’s a cop? Neither is Lara Croft and neither is

Nicki needs to get her original ghost writer back.

She had fucking chopsticks in her hair.

Also, let’s not forget that her performances on SNL were just straight up bad and the songs are bad and this new era of Nicki is tragic.


I straighten my hair, too (so does our last First Lady); that’s a personal choice. I also stay out of the sun, because sun damage and skin cancer aren’t exclusive to white folks.

Should we qualify my blackness now, too?