
I freaking HATE you. ctfu

Fish sauce is where it’s at.

have a star, because you make me smile

Great recipe...For a sweeter vibe, I like a small splash of fish sauce and oyster sauce. A great alternative to bacon is Filipino longanisa, the sweet kind.

Has anyone ever actually enjoyed a group order? Someone always gripes about price/temperature/time for delivery.


lmao no you did not fight The Randy Orton Angry Fan gif


This is really basic stuff, especially these days. Sheesh. I know people are under pressure to generate content, and this review doesn’t even look bad - but I confess I stopped reading as soon as I hit that first major reveal. I just don’t need the rest of the movie spoiled, since I still plan on seeing it. But now

It’s because jezebel and it’s sisters sites refuse to have editors. Or at least good ones. It drives me CRAZY. I was reading this review, thinking it sounded like a good movie (I love Cody’s movies) and all of a sudden there was the plot twist. Like...WTF!


Welp, guess I really don’t need to see it now.

Yeah. I was very surprised by that as well. In general, GMG properties are very big on adding HUGE spoiler warnings at the top of and in the body of reviews and if wasn’t for that I probably wouldn’t bother to say anything, but almost universally around here you can read a review without spoilers if there isn’t a

Wow. You, uh, you just threw that spoiler right out there didn’t you. The entire crux of the film revolves around that reveal. It is way too soon to give away the movie like that without a spoiler warning. I know you have a bunch of these comments already, but it’s worth repeating. You messed up on this one.

Hey, when you write a review that contains plot twists and spoilers, can you please put that at the top? I don’t expect all reviews to give away the plot, so I was merrily reading along and - ploink - there was a major plot twist reveal. Please spare others the same disappointment and put a spoiler alert up at the

I don’t care about this film so much, but you really should add a spoiler warning for those that do.

Bella and her sister, whats her name, are like Zoolander, have one facial expression, except they can’t also walk.

I heard her music after many controversies had already come and gone. Shocked the hell out of me that her talent wasn’t bringing in the attention she desperately wants.

Very true. If she was able to get control of her issues she could of had a more successful career.