
Banks hates herself and thats why she cant stand to see Black women uplifted.

Who are these fans?!

Catch fire already!

Thank you Hachi- I intend to!

Agreed. My mother had me young and I definitely have had to let go of a lot of shit because she was like, what, 15? But at the same time, when we both grew older and wiser together, she refused to do better and always used her circumstances as an excuse. When I turned 25, I basically shut that shit all the way down. I

Yeah, I was going to say that it also extends to male nerds generally not wanting to date other nerds (unless of course they look a certain way).   

Yeah, I’m glad to know what ‘incel’ means just so I can understand what the fuck some people are saying when reading this stuff, but the fact that you’re not getting any doesn’t need a clinical or sociological term as if you have a condition.

Woooowww, are you in your feelings about this one.

I’m sorry to use your comment for this because I think you have a point, but...

Allen Whitt is such an asshole. He rolled into my town to try to whip this shit up when our city council was considering a nondiscrimination ordinance. He showed up in the neighboring town when the council wanted to change their NDO language to include LGBT people. In both cases, he made these seemingly benign

I cut my mother off years ago because she was a miserable, resentful asshole and it didn’t change her behavior one iota but it greatly helped my mental and emotional health.

I’ve never understood people’s willingness to be hurt over and over again by family members.

This is somewhat of a palette cleanser after some kinna shitty takes from the male writers at the Root/ VSB. That being said I still disagree with the recurring theme being taken as in :

then he dies from a colon obstruction.

whose adherents call themselves “bitcoin carnivores”

Even worse, I remember when people might’ve been like “oh snap! free U2 album - sweet!” Then the glasses, age, and all those bad albums happened

eh. Here’s the thing. The same sort of shit happened when I was a kid. I was different, quiet, and so on. Other nerdy black women also didn’t get dates, regardless of the popularity of the people at school. We also were not always articulate with such things. But like... you move on and realize that HS is weird

If people want to date outside of their race, they should do so. But people don’t have to denigrate an entire category of black women in their “I haven’t gotten over liking the popular girl in high school” process.

I don’t get the whole “well she didn’t like me” whining. If she doesn’t then find someone who does dumbass. Women aren’t things to own, they aren’t property. You’re not entitled to them. If she doesn’t like you, well guess what, half of the population is female. If you’re a nerd, you should know about math and