
A quick review of the their website tells me that the women pictured are the dentists! I can only assume that they collectively decided that this was an awesome idea after slamming rose and eating appetizers at the local Bonefish.

“black female nerds shared some of their own. Conclusion: Their male counterparts did not want to date them.”

But it’s hilarious because the stalker was a woman. No matter that she was caught with a knife and this could easily have turned into another Jodi Arias case. Let’s just kid around and make jokes about how that is just like the thing people do when they don’t return messages. /s

“Maybe lock up her phone for a little while?”

If they hid Bobby while letting Rich roam around unhindered, I will be cross.

Welcome to the club. You should receive your membership kit in 2 to 4 weeks.

I recently learned I am allergic to everything. Inside. Outside. Fall. Spring. Summer. Dust. Pollen. Ragweed. Grass. Trees. Life. Rainbows and happiness. Allergies are the worst.

This isn’t a competition, and it is sad that you are trying to make it into one.

Hope you got that large cookie for your ability to be a much better employee at a low-paying job on a college campus.

Not listening to whatever the f**k you please because you will be in the presence of “agitated, stale crackers” is some White Supremacist respectability bulls**t that you can GTFO of here for upholding and defending!

Considering it’s a campus coffee shop the demographics of the store would be the very student worker who was playing the music in the first place. But hey, I guess not being rich enough to have mommy and daddy pay for school must be just some stupid “choice” they made where that pushed them on the path to making

He’s saying folks should know their place, and stay in line. She not only turned it off immediately, she graciously offered him a comp.

I’m not vegan either. I’m not even vegetarian. But I have vegetarian and vegan and other friends with various dietary restrictions, and there’s nothing sadder than to sit around a piece of fake meat and play let’s pretend. I’d rather we all just eat something delicious that highlights the flavors of some great summer


Or you can go crazy and find one of the literally hundreds of websites that have tried and true recipes for vegans. I just did a google search and easily found dozens of vegan recipes that look good. Why not go the extra mile if you like these people and make a vegan meal good enough that everyone can eat it? I don’t

From Día de los Muertos through Tres Reyes (so basically Halloween-the 1st week of January) we have a constantly replenished crock of ponche/mulled wine going. There’s no set recipe and it evolves over time as various things get added and others strained out. Usually though, we start with something like this:

The best thing to do with a crock pot is make ribs.

I used to make Albóndigas, since I am Mexican these are Mexican Albóndigas. They go with rice, tortillas and avocado, corn tortillas.