
I have Global Entry, Clear, and used Mobile Passport during a recent international trip. I never stood in any security line going to my flight. On the return, I got through immigration in literally 2 minutes and customs was 30 seconds! There were zero people in the mobile passport line. That was the best!!!

Attention potential note-writers:

Learn to speak a little Spanish and your employees won’t be nearly so scary, fucko.

This reminds me of my favorite note I have on my front door.

Sounds to me like it would have just been a better idea to open a second store outside the airport.. Just saying.

It’s like that people don’t know California once was part of Mexico.

then she may gain a smidgeon of pity from me.

And R2D2 just stood there doing NOTHING

Not into granola, but a savory sweet brittle (or super chunky granola with a little more crack) for the next party does interest me. Kind of like the saltine caramel brittle thing all over the internet.

I was expecting something completely difficult with that Jeannie Mai article—but was pleasantly surprised. It’s refreshing to hear a female celeb (or any woman) talk frankly about how they don’t want children.

Yup. She had no problem going on TV years ago and pushing the racist Republican attack that Obama wasn’t born here.

Jesus is unfair to us both.

Substitute “Eva Braun” for “Melania” in the headline, and I would muster the exact same amount of sympathy. She’s reaping what she’s sown. Zampolli better get Lady Di’s name out of his mouth; miss me with that bullshit.

Bacteria the breakfast of champions!

I have no interest in putting Chex Mix that was fondled by a bunch of drunk assholes in my mouth.

Nah, the last thing I want to do with a bowl of picked-over snack remnants and hand residue is eat it for breakfast for the next several days.