
So you’re just gonna talk about Black voter turnout without discussing voter suppression aimed at Black people? Really?

White Democrats: sell out black voters and then act surprised when black voters don’t show out to support them...

This won’t end well.

D&D = Uh... Dunkin & Donuts?

Or maybe people who voted for anti-vaccer Jill Stein could have voted for Clinton and those three states would have gone for her.

Yeah, like when they used to impeach Presidents at the drop of a blowjob.

My wife likes to triangulate using equally unknown (to me) landmarks.

Man, your comment sure pissed off the “economic angst!” trolls.

As long as you’re accurate with the landmarks. Being told to “Turn left at the SuperAmerica” when they really meant the Holiday will ruin your day.

I’ve had it for a week or two now and not sure if I like it or dislike it, just takes getting used to.

Yeah, because every day of my adult life (and a decent portion of my teenage years) I’ve tried to conduct myself the best I can. I’ve held employment and put my nose to the grindstone and tried to be a good person to all those around me.

“No, left at the good McDonalds. Rerouting.”

So what subreddit do you moderate?


Yes, Clarkisha!

I am continually shocked by how much people under 30 don’t know, and specifically about the contributions Black people have made to music. My Asian coworker is 26 or 27 and had no idea that rock was invented by Black people. There has been a concerted effort in the past several years to portray hip-hop as something

I was actually shocked as how hardcore she was trying to change the subject. What is he Voldemort for fucks sake? I mean, “you’re going to get me fired”? It’s almost as if Staples broke some pact R Kelly has with EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the entertainment industry about never bringing up his name.

I mean, she literally still works on a show across from a man who publicly stated that he wanted to jerk off on her.

I worked at Starbucks and college students would come in all the time and not order while waiting for their friends they were never asked to leave not once.

Good for you, Hachi!