
My man was much more motivated than the article intoned. You’ll notice, tho, that The Root has the courage to print Vince’s words. Both are cool in my book. That young woman? Not as much.

For real, her flailing was painful, as if no one can have these kinds of conversations because someone will lose access or a part time job covering a shitty festival. It has to be a joke or something, it’s not as if people don’t know.


On the one hand, this concerns me from a class perspective. I think it is discriminatory against people that don’t have a card and whether intentional or not, will target the poor disproportionately. On the other hand, I’m not especially worried about this becoming a wide spread ‘thing’. I think most businesses are

I love how there are so many defending a faceless, monolithic corporation. I know you love your unicorn frappuccinos and all, but maybe limit your bootlicking to entities with a face? And don’t give me that “voice of reason” shit, if you don’t see how this connects to larger issues, and that defending a greedy

“...it only impacts his legacy...”

Somebody say Petty? Hi Hachi!......

If the place isn’t busy why would you have a problem with someone simply using a table for a quarter of an hour?

trump’s presidency doesn’t impact him, it only impacts his legacy. 

I used to manage a place sorta like a starbucks in college.

look, this tape is a ham sandwich on the kitchen table; it’s either there or it ain’t. A “maybe” is a sucker move. Send me your email and I can send you my bank statement which is proof of non-existence.

Any Stevie Wonder songs. I won’t accept any of those.


Truth! I like Beyonce’s music okay, but not really enough to have bought any tracks. The video album “Lemonade” was fantastic and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it, but still don’t have any of her music in my library. I’m just not that into her music. That said, I don’t understand people going out of their way to try

My family was discussing this over the weekend. I hate it when people say you just hating to hate but at this point in Beyonce’s career if you don’t like her for any reason other than she just isn’t your cup of tea...you have to be a hater.

I was starting to wonder if this was cross-posted to Jezebel (I think it was) but this one is one of the car freaks and their occasional appearance for no good reason unfortunately isn’t new. This one should have stayed in the grays but since someone already let the troll out from under the bridge a small lesson on

For attention. This kind of thing happens every time her name gets mentioned, trolls from all over come crawling out of their holes just to talk shit because they know people will respond. That’s all this is. Whoever this is clearly didn’t watch the performance, and doesn’t know anything about Black culture. I