
Yes, you wretched apostate.

Cucumber is the perfect garnish for Hendrick's. Cheers!

I'm glad I wasn't party to wasting a perfectly good gin and tonic. Especially Hendrick's. Throw a cucumber in there and perfection.

Also, I fail to see which one "looks like she would outrage others" because they are all so goddamn precious!

People wanted to get it, but nobody wanted to get it as young as I did, at age 9. That was not fun or cool.

This is Long Island in the 1980s. If not for Tape World, this could have been taken last week.

Every single example photo looks amazing to me. There is nothing in fashion I can't find some way to like. Don't trust me, though, because Claudia Kishi is my style role model.

2014 London men's fashion week

I can't wait for Not Giving A Fuck About What You Wear to be trendy again. Normcore doesn't count.

I had my mouth peel from too many salt and vinegar chips. So worth it though.

Her advice leaves out reality. We don't believe women NOW. After they've been raped, no matter how much evidence there is. What's going to happen when women successfully prevent a rape? Lots of people won't believe a rape victim was "rape-raped" unless she was beaten to within an inch of her life. (Napoli,

This is why we need to stop telling little girls and boys that they MUST hug an adult stranger, family member or friend on command simply because it's "rude" to refuse those advances.

With the making kids hug strangers thing, I'd like to add that enthusiast hugs are so much better than forced ones. For example, I met a college friend and her 7 year old daughter for dinner. I hadn't seen the 7 year old since she was 3, so in her mind I was a total stranger. I hugged her mom hello, then her mom

Who never taught you empathy?

he usually reminds me of this confused kitten

Agreed, Jon Snow is of the Keanu school of furrow-your-brow "acting," but he gave me some serious feelings when he started bossing everyone around.

It's hard to take advice from a guy women wouldn't sleep with for fear of being stabbed by his hair.

It gets better/worse:

My mother used to get this magazine, though when I remember looking at it, it wasn't this thoroughly creepy. She usually needed it to order parts for the mechanical figurines she would dress.

This sort of makes me want to have another abortion.