
He can lick my cunt blood:)

God, you poor woman! I’m not even remotely where you are, I’m having a pretty normal, healthy pregnancy for the most part and I’m still in pretty bad pain a lot of the time and exhausted 100% of the time and I can’t not pee myself and I have 15 weeks to go. Fuck this guy.

Dear, sweet, dim Simon. I want someone to be as happy to wave at me as Simon is to wave to the audience at the end of every Numberwang!

Watching Mitchell and Webb Look after Peep Show, it’s so weird to watch the very intense Alan Johnson be a dummy contestant on a nonsensical game show.

How quickly she assumed he was a “misguided young man” speaks volumes.


I’m over the idea that non-violence is the only path. I’m over the “Love Trumps Hate” and (as much as I love Michelle Obama) “When they go low, we go high”. It is not our job to roll over, compromise, always be nice, always be peaceful, always take what others have determined to be the high road. The intimidation

Nazi Punks Fuck Off? That’s a classic Dead Kennedys song. Don’t just look up the lyrics. Go get everything they have ever done. Their entire discography is all going to be way too familiar and relevant.

I took my three year old son who also has issues with crowds and noises,and he surpassed all of my expectations! We were stuck in the bottleneck of 2nd ave for most of the day, so he was getting antsy, but he did so great and was dancing to the chants and cheering along, it was awesome.

She looks so happy! And so beautiful! Glad to see you guys had a great time.

I wanted to make it to D.C. so desperately but it was clear that my own city could benefit from my activism. Here I am, and my dear child, a strong young woman whose will cannot be swayed even at this young age, and then the crowd at my local March in Asheville, NC.

A black, female D.C. cop led a group of us in chants.

I am currently knitting pussy hats while I chaperone my school’s Model Arab League team. During the Inauguration ceremony, we will be eating an amazing lunch cooked by the local Islamic Women’s Society. I can’t think of anywhere more appropriate to be today. (Or any other day, for that matter.)

He’s gonna blame it on the rainy weather.

I can tell you my hate for Trump will still be strong

I can see you