
They should lawyer up. There’s a sexual harassment suit she can bring, but the money is in retaliation. When it comes to liability, they seem very exposed.

That statement is Gaslighting 101.

In the bad place fanfic is real.

Well, that might make you some kind of snack proctologist.

They can’t tell her how to dress or wear makeup, so nothing should preclude her from showing up with extensive prosthetics, colored contacts, and makeup so that while she fulfills the obligation to appear, anyone who knows her would take one look and say, “oh, that’s not our friend Jane Doe; must be another Jane Doe.”

My local mall has a group of Girl Scouts and 2 dads with a kiosk to sell cookies. I absentmindedly tried to hand my money to the adult on duty (a dad) and he said “just a moment please. Sienna, honey, you have a customer!” and this adorable and very professional wee child came over and slowly-but-surely added up my

Its so annoying to see the moms doing all the work. 10 years ago I was a dancing thin mint. Do your time girls lol

It seems like there should be some way to support gymnastics without supporting abuse. It would be a tragedy for the women in training to lose their dreams because of Nasser.

Yes, every defendant, even Nasser have a right to a lawyer, but man is Shannon Smith tough to like. She’s actually proud of being a sex offender lawyer. An excerpt from her web site advertising her services:

I have never agreed with two bullet points more.

I agree about hampering rejection for fear of retaliation. I really think you’ve tapped in on a very valid reason for the evening going on as long as it did.

Marzipan is adorable, and “puppy uglies” is an oxymoron.

MARZIPAN!!! That is all.

Right. That looks like maybe 5'11" and 239 lbs.

Trump’s rating among African Americans is shit. So double of that is just double shit.

What this story clearly illustrates is that child predators do not operate in a bubble or in the shadows. Far, far, FAR too often they are enabled by the silence of other adults around and it goes on in plain view - ALL. THE. TIME.

I think some racists are so woefully deluded that they believe racism exclusively involves extreme, violent acts such as lynchings, genocide...

“for which I think you have to put on lederhosen just to pronounce correctly” hahahah that is excellent

I didn’t look into it, but most likely her eyewear is produced by Luxxotica, which makes the majority of eyewear. She (or her team) did design, but the mark-up is huge compared to the cost. May as well be $100 Warby Parker for value, but that’s the way it primarily goes. You must pay top dollar to look like hipster

Fucking LOVE fencing and it doesn’t get nearly enough coverage as it should.