
behold the many faces of Kim Kardashian

Everything about this is horrifying

Worst place I ever got sick was camping in the Sierra Mountains with my family. After a week of camping, on our last night, I was struck with a really nasty stomach bug. We had spent the afternoon drinking margaritas, so when the first wave of nausea hit, I thought it was the tequila. But no. How I wish it had been

I'm just wondering if Jezebel is ever going to leave Bruce Jenner alone. At least I would hope this website would drop it's facade that it gives any fucks at all about queer/trans peoples lives while it insists on joining in on all the trans speculation fun. Linking to radar. My fucking word. Radar is responsible for

Seriously, I got immediately sad :-(

That Wendell Pierce tweet's got me feeling so many feelings.

This is what I see:

I tried that once as well. It pretty much went like this.

"All-female real estate brokerage founded in the 1970s."

Cate Blanchett is a treasure.

I bought into that whole "trust your body to fulfill its primal biological destiny" thing and ended up having a failed natural home birth after three days of back labor that ended in a hospital transfer and unwanted cesarean. Yeah, most pregnancies can end in an unmedicated vaginal birth if that's what mom wants but

Did you know Lipknicki's head weighs eight pounds?

Es too much. Too much for such a young sweet face.

Yup, don't even care I will always find Aniston funny and charming. I really enjoy everything she is in.

Off topic: your gif is such a great reminder of how clever Jennifer Aniston is with her comedic facial expressions. My work computer has audio turned off and just her face is still funny.

how is babby formed


I have to constantly tell my kids ' will you guys PLEASE stop playing vegan mogul and get on the X-Box?"

it has to be photoshopped though right? according to wiki, she is 41!