Or that he can’t enjoy fucking with Tony.
Or that he can’t enjoy fucking with Tony.
Coincidentally, the phrase “he felt it move when he tugged” is found in over 90% of Cap Thor slashfic. At the risk of ruining the innuendo with a relevant Joss Whedon reference, the hammer is his penis.
People who use cottage cheese instead of ricotta in their lasagna should be cursed to a million years in purgatory with a dozen Italian grandmothers poking them with a wooden spoon.
I was under the impression that we are how god plays video games.
#BlackPriveledge amiright? #BelieveAllWomen #TheLeftEatsItsOwn
The problem isn’t with the game - The problem is with the delivery. They ABSOLUTELY should expect some outrage when your MAIN ANNOUNCEMENT on the MAIN STAGE of your trade show for only your games is to delivery a mobile version of one of your biggest IPs.
Same thing with Bethesda’s E3 presentation. If all they did was show an Elder Scrolls Mobile game, fans would be pretty angry. But then they showed a short clip with the Elder Scrolls VI logo and all was forgiven.
To make fans happy. It’s called pr. You know the whole thing this article is about.
Does everyone remember the Metroid Prime 4 logo drop? That satisfied Metroid fans very well. That’s all Blizzard had to do and this wouldn’t have gone so bad. Just do “one more thing” after the Immortal stuff in the opening ceremony, and play the Diablo tavern music with a D4 logo. And just say it’s early in…
Yeah, gotta agree. The tone of the article has legitimate critiques but nothing that is really going to drive me away from the game. Add on top of the fact that this game is still early in it’s development period and the actual core plot for the game isn’t even out. I’m sure the missions this writer played didn’t…
How you gonna make this list and not have Chrono Trigger?
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun is coming to PS4 and Xbox One on August 1 (July 28 for Europe). We loved it on PC.