
God, I love the “It’s different when they’re yours” crap. My answer usually is, yes, because then they never leave, that’s the part I want to skip. It’s insane that she would think that you would ‘change’ her daughter’s mind on something as important as children. Why on Earth would she want her daughter to marry

One of my best friends’ husbands (they had a whoopsy baby, but they love her like crazy) told my husband and I that we shouldn’t have kids and to forget all the pressure people put on us. They got to witness it at different wedding shindigs we had. He said he didn’t want them and while he loves his kid, he wishes that

I know the feeling. I briefly joined a book club when I was first married. The women were all nice, we drank wine, read books and such. They stopped doing book club after I mentioned I didn’t want to have children. I told them I didn’t dislike children and my friends’ children were some of my favorite people, but that

This is what I say all the time! I was too busy playing office to worry about playing house and every time someone says ‘see, you’re really good with children, you’d be a really good mother’ I have to remind them that I don’t have a problem with children as a rule, I used to babysit tons of kids in high school and

Same boat, minus the age bit, but they just keep thinking we’ll change our minds in 10 years, my own mother has actually said that for her own selfish reasons. They wonder why I don’t want to spend time around their family, it might be because they feel the need to pressure me into children when we’ve openly said no

Have kids they said, it’ll be fun, they said. Naw thanks, we said. No little Scarys for us, but I’d kill anyone who messed with my dogs and I’m a boarder-line pacifist.

I was looking at law schools in Chicago for this coming school year... I do believe I will now turn my search to Canada or the UK (even though Brexit happened, I currently only speak English).

I’m so glad this ‘nasty’ thing is taking off. My grandmother has used it as a derogatory word when someone called her out on her shit (I love my grandma, but she’s crazy and abusive, not your normal grandma) and I used to look her in the face and tell her it didn’t bother me when she called me nasty then and you damn

I’m still stuck on the fact that they plucked them up out of the crowd to take a picture. You know the only reason they did that was because they were Latinas. They thought they were getting a “minorities with Trump” shot, but really they got played. lmao.

Good idea. I do it from time to time, but they usually manage to worm their way out of it with a good ol’ “that’s not what I meant” or some other deflection. It’s become a habit for people to speak their mind without thinking it through and then when questioned they say that’s not what they meant. ie they didn’t

lol ironic. that’s my city too. Maybe the dirty Myrtle is just a breeding ground for this crap.

That is the plan, I hope at least. Something has to shut these people up. At least once a month I hear something awful that I end up having to call my mom about and just say ‘holy shit, we share a planet with these people, wtf?!’

That’s funny, that was my question to her. Her reply was ‘take them out so they can’t vote’ nothing more specific. To which I said, you mean deny them their right to vote?

Going to be honest, I’m not sure where to go with this one. I met very few unethical lawyers, the only ones I have met were disbarred. The attorneys I work with may be blindly republican, but they are nothing short of completely ethical.

That would work if I weren’t so incredibly outnumbered and if these people didn’t believe every single thing Fox news says. I try to passive aggressively dispute as much as I can, but when my paycheck and my sanity are on the line, I can’t take a crazy amount of risk.

A coworker of mine told me today that she is going to try to get an absentee ballot and that if she is unsuccessful, she plans to go to her poll and ‘take out’ some Clinton supporters while she is there...

I live in a solidly red state: thank you, South. and I’m pretty sure if I put a bumper sticker on my car that was even remotely liberal, much less a Clinton one, I would be rammed in traffic within 5 minutes and shot on site.

That Ph.D. didn’t come from Trump University, did it?

She did tell a truth in that video “...He has problems...”

I just came here to say that while I did know Johnson’s running mate was Weld, it was only because I thought a Johnson Weld ticket was funny and was clearly a good tool brand name.