As far as I can tell they will destroy anything they think you like more than them. One of mine ate my Edgar Allen Poe book. My yorkie barks and growls at my husband every time he comes near me.
As far as I can tell they will destroy anything they think you like more than them. One of mine ate my Edgar Allen Poe book. My yorkie barks and growls at my husband every time he comes near me.
When my big dog was a pup she really liked destroying remote controls. My brother’s dog has a penchant for sunglasses. He’s literally jumped on the dining room table to get to the counter to get to sunglasses he wanted to eat.
I second that vote (if it hasn’t been done already).
No, no, he does that of his own free will. I just wish I could get him to shut the door.
The old bait and switch. My husband tried that once. I marched him into the jewelry store and he bought the necklace and earring set.
I have a co worker who finds out from Facebook that there’s a National “blahblahblah” Day like 3 times a week. She always says “They have a holiday for everything anymore”. It takes every fiber of my being to not tell her that she’s an idiot and that these days are made up by people on Facebook so that dumb dumbs like…
I would know that he’s my father in law if it weren’t for the fact that I have my father in law’s ashes in a marble box at home. They look literally exactly the same. The first time I saw Kaine give a speech I kept asking my husband if I was crazy because I thought they look so much alike.
I’m just waiting for him to call Hillary a ‘dingbat’. Archie Bunker was more endearing in the 70's when ‘ignorant old man’ was a new thing. With almost 50 years of evolution ‘ignorant old man’ is now just gross.
And plenty of alcohol stashed away for when they come around.
I keep thinking the Mayans might have been a little off and 2016 is the actual end of the world.
Holla! Been on a cardio kick lately and hubs and I have definitely been ‘more active’. It became embarrassing at his birthday party when he was acting almost like he was high. His aunt straight up asked me if he’d gotten some that morning.
Amen. We refer to my husband as ‘the camper’.
Yeah, wasn’t he the only that said Spike Lee would be mad at him because he was going to blow all of his money on terrible ideas?
Oh the feels. I love the feels. I love seeing people work together to bring all the perspectives into the world to give people the feels.
As someone who has never liked Scam Newton yet loves Russell Wilson, its the same reasons I dislike Tom Brady and like Matt Ryan. It has nothing to do with color of skin, I just don’t like a damn showboat. If you’re good then let your talent talk for you, don’t get cocky. And then you have the whole ripping banners…
OK, I’m sure someone, some where in the comments said this, but I’m going to state it just because it’s reallllly the overall theme of VMA night. WHEN IN THE HELL DID “VINE STAR” and “YOU TUBE STAR” ACTUALLY BECOME A JOB? WHY ARE THESE CHILDREN ON A RED CARPET AT ALL?
This! I thousand times this! If you don’t like you’re job then get a freaking new one. Her only job is to make sure the paperwork is all valid and no one is entering into a marriage under duress or that they legally aren’t allowed to enter. She has no control over the laws that she has to carry out and now it is…
Well, my morning’s been made. Thank you.
Duly noted.