I think the poster meant a bay leaf!
I think the poster meant a bay leaf!
Remember? Doesn’t that imply it’s in the past? (Not being snarky to you, more snarky in the direction of Sir Skeevy of Drake.)
Yikes girl, sorry to hear that. Hope you're doing well! Best wishes for the best year of your life this year :)
Lol life must be sad and lonely for you.
This is a genius business plan on your part!
Thst was a major power move on the part of hot guy though and I hope to use it someday.
I have both a “treetrips” and a “stupid treetrips” account for that exact reason.
Cool, cool, but have you heard of Morse v. Frederick? Because... you’re super wrong, and they super can. https://g.co/kgs/9yge8N
I was just going to say, the look on Merkel’s face is pure German disapproval. She's trying to smile, but it's not the German way to be dishonest.
Aaaaaaa!!! Hahaha I would be so mortified, but it's so funny later :D
Awwwww. My mother always said Carter was her favorite president.
GOD, this is such a good story! I am late to this party and so reading down from the newest, and this is my favorite so far.
My I asked what has provoked such an extreme hatred of David Tennant?? Paul Giamatti... No need to ask.
Biiig difference between supporting free speech and tolerating hatred and racism. You’re allowed to speak as freely as you like, and we are free to think you are a bigoted idiot. That’s how it all works, kiddo.
Did you end up going back? Just curious to know how this turned out. I hope well!
If you have time, try to go back later and talk to someone else? It's likely the poll workers will be in shifts, and you may have a more understanding person later.
That was a perfectly chosen stock photo and it made me grin.
All you had to say was “yes” my dude. You do, in fact, realize you are defending racism. You just don't want anyone to think less of you for it, but that ain't gonna happen. It's your viewpoint, you should probably own up to it.
Sex, fashion, and celebrity was the header of the site for over a decade brah. They’ve changed it in the last year or so but it’s still the same old shit with a larger-sized helping of womens’ rights issues. But bless your little heart for all your manly indignation, we are just ~tickled~ you felt the need to share…
I was talking to my boyfriend about this yesterday after being horrified into tears reading about Danye Jones’ lynching. They lynched that young man in his mother’s backyard for her activism in Ferguson and I just couldn’t stop thinking, “It’s going to get so much worse if this is where we are again already.”