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"Help! My Gluten Intolerance Has Been Exacerbated by the Alignment of the Moons of Mars and Jupiter"
Help! I Just Found Out that My Financial Advisor Eats Conventional Vegetables!
That one ancestor in late-medieval England with a sick-ass weaving shop taught me everything I know about the rag trade
I was at a street festival on a brisk day and I turned to a bearded guy in plaid and started chatting him up before I realized it was not, in fact my SO. My SO saw and laughed, realizing immediately from my surprise that I, like a 5-year-old, think all bearded men in plaid look alike.
Blake is more like a silly adoptive daughter to Martha.
Omigod, like, a ton of people say it! Off the top of my head I can list half a dozen— Kanye, Kris, Kendall, Kylie, Kourtney, Khloe...
I am a Minneapolitan. The idea that Betsy Hodges is in a gang or supports gang activity, is literally as likely as your third grade teacher joining a gang and flashing signs.
Hey, it would be great to include the REAL, positive story here! The organization is Neighborhoods Organizing for Change (NOC), and they are PROUD to be hiring folks who have served their time and now want to serve the community! Check out their video on this very thing.
Here's a video that was shot the same day that photo was taken, including the exact moment it was taken: