
AM/FM? You mean like my cassette deck/ radio/ equalizer combo head unit used to play?

I’m thinking they are holding value pretty good. Saw a Raptor at my local Ford dealer while getting an oil change on my car, and it was still a bit over $40k...used.

Ok so as a NJ resident I feel the need to defend my home state, because everyone likes to shit on it. If your concept of the Garden State is limited to the industrial wasteland and traffic hell that is just outside of New York, I can understand. That area sucks...and NJ Transit sucks big time no matter where you live,

Facsinating. I read every link. I’ve always associated it with a violent person who’s lacking on smarts and morals. And, unlike what the first article suggests, I would have absolutely called a blonde guy a thug. In fact, for some reason I assumed all of these riders were white before I went back to check the video

This interview has convinced me that you need to do a podcast or YouTube channel or something.

I am indeed, this was my first. Some would say I still don’t crash, but I now get hit by things occasionally.

Get back on as soon as I’m healthy. I’ve never lied to myself or tried to ignore the risk, and I regularly remind myself that no riding is just business as usual and that I need to r-focus in what I’m doing. If Rossi can do it before every race, I can before anytime I try and do anything athletic on a hike, and try to

THIS IS NOT OUTLAW COUNTRY. It’s specifically “Bro Country”. Now, go apologize to Willie Nelson, Merle Haggard, and the ghost of Waylon Jennings for insulting their genre.

Maybe he is just doing it to fugly CUVs

I have gone through everything posted as of the moment I am writing this. I don’t own a bike, but as I have said before, it is a hot fever burning in me to get one.

If you think a minor traffic infraction remotely justifies attempted murder: Fuck You.

Hahahahahaha. This made me actually lol.

My girlfriend agrees with you, both on the needing to take a day off and on being a robot.

how can a guy with your name make such a statement. Torn..

Haha, it’s one of the reasons I really look forward to your articles every time one pops up, Sean. Keep this shit up. It’s so good, and just like the slingshot brings a big, stupid grin to your face, reading these fun articles brings one to mine.