29 years later its art is somehow even more terrifying
29 years later its art is somehow even more terrifying
Hello, hello, hello. There’s been a lot going on on our Instagram, and there’s more to come.
Trump knows very well that Obama was born in the USA, he just cannot handle the fact that a black man is far more erudite than himself.
Yep, Fahey has been a bot for years.
Maybe a video game can have too much detail?
Luke, I am shocked. Shocked!
Real friends give honest advice.
I hope he pulls through, reassesses his life, and stops being evil.
A brief history for those who are new to Kotaku and our on-again, off-again obsession with this game. Destiny is a…
Destiny 2, the currently unannounced 2017 sequel to Destiny, is coming to PC in addition to Xbox One and PS4,…