Tintin Quarantino

Choose the Force, Luke.

Statue of Osama Bin Laden at Ground Zero?

Wasn't Trunt's big thing supposed to be about how he was a winner, and how there was going to be so much winning and how he was going to "make America great again"?

No answer? Why am I not surprised.

I think we can both agree that it's an offensive premise though, right? If this show really is about black people as a race of docile simpletons, we can both objectively say that that's an offensive concept to anyone who finds racism offensive. If the show really is like that I'll be offended by it.

To you it might seem like common sense, to me that's a completely wacky assumption to make based on such little evidence. You're offended by a theory you've come up with on your own.

Where exactly have Benioff and Weiss suggested that there have been no slave rebellions in the timeline of this show? What evidence do you have that they consider black people to be "simps and cowards" or that they want their audience to view them that way?

Is that a Prince song?


Also must add that OHMSS has possibly the best theme of any Bond film.

I saw Quantum of Solace at the cinema, and these are literally the only things I remember about it: Daniel Craig was in it, there was a scene at the palio in Siena, there was a scene on a dock and at the end there was a big fire in a place. That's it.


Well there are other options being bandied about, such as Andrew Whyment (33/1) and James Fleet (50/1).

Especially Arby's.

They should have called it Weirdness and Vague Embarrassment in Las Vegas

Diamonds Are Forever rules. Cranky old James Bond running around Vegas being bedevilled by camp villains, what's not to love?

Where's Seydouxchie?

Over in the UK, we've narrowed the odds for the next Bond down to:

They should make James Bond a dance troupe in the next film. Or a nebulous concept, like "stoicism".
