The Guy Next Door

Hoon Lee joining Season 2? Bring it on !!!

The show has obviously done a terrible job of (not) explaining what it means for the common man/investor, except for a 2 minute dialogue from Chuck

We don't get these promos in the UK !!

This is without a doubt, the best blog on Fargo. Well researched, funny and doesn't pull punches. Thank you !!

I do find the series funny, but 20 minute episodes are just too short to stay with you

"I was wondering how much of Jesse Plemons’ weight gain was real and how much was prosthetic. The fireplace scene pretty much settles that question."

Season 5 : Brody is still alive and leads Al Qaeda

Can Homeland please move away from the Middle East to maybe Russia and Ukraine in Season 5? I would like Carrie and Saul to take on Putin

I think they forgot about Neal Sampat while shooting and so his scene had to be shot later, when none of the main cast was available.

The fact that we are all discussing this, vindicates Sorkin. He has brought the issue in the open and US citizens and lawmakers need to ensure they make or amend laws to change the status quo (to give rape victims justice)

Saul would have let every hostage die (including his annoying wife) in order to protect the assets on that list

I was disappointed that Fara wasn't given any good lines to say, when Haqqani was questioning her loyalty to Islam. Surely, that would have been impactful and in-line with her character (fearlessly loyal to America and Islam at the same time).

It's Aayan, not Aayad

Great list, well done !!!

Everyone kicks you when you are down !!