Listen, every conservative in this country saw millions of Muslims dancing in the streets of New Jersey after 9/11, and if you ask to see video proof, that just means you’re a secret Muslim, too. I don’t see why this is so hard to understand.
Listen, every conservative in this country saw millions of Muslims dancing in the streets of New Jersey after 9/11, and if you ask to see video proof, that just means you’re a secret Muslim, too. I don’t see why this is so hard to understand.
I hate people who are slavishly obsequious towards the military, but if you ever happen upon a WWII vet, do yourself a favor and spend a few moments talking to them if the opportunity presents itself.
Well, guess that explains why Sweets died on Bones.
You must watch the Dr. Phibes movies.
I love those too, and actually, that Tonight Show clip just made me appreciate Bill Hader’s spot-on vocalization ever more.
I think Americans should really stop to dictate how other countries should react to things. The joke was only about the fact that the truffle is italian, and is well groomed, it did not imply in any way that other italians smell in any way...What I find really offensive in this article is the use “ethnic group”…
In other words “ffaaaggeeeehhhdddaaaabbbooouutttiiiiihhhhttt”
As a New Yorker who’s 100% Italian and has been the subject of racial/cultural stereotyping my whole life (are you sure you’re not in the mafia? wow look at all the hair on your chest! wait say ‘gabagool’ again!) let me be the first to say who gives a fuck.
Both are bad reasons to leave the house.
If your friends can’t invite you to an event because you are not on facebook, then they are not your friends.
I’ve tried to switch to Linux several times in my life. I swear I’ve tried to have the most open of minds and lots of patience, but there’s always something that makes me switch back. Whether it’s lack of software options or bizarre issues with drivers or whatever. And I’ve come to the conclusion that Linux isn’t an…
This is disaster economy gentrification, now rich white dudes will buy off most of the island, Then when most of the population is white it will be perdoned debt and made into a state - but I could be wrong here as it my serv for more financial regulation testing for economist and the US goverment to see how much they…
So we’re taking direction from ‘45 on which words to use?
Lonzo is jealous of his form.
“Moore can be a raper, a pedo, a porn star, a fascist bible thumper or an imbecile, but guddamit at least he’s not a Demoncrap.”
Big deal. Tomorrow he’ll just say he never tweeted this, not that it was a fake tweet from an impostor or anything like that mind you, just that it never happened, period.
This is my fear. They pass this terrible bill, then they turn on Trump and then they run on “not only did we cut taxes, we kicked out that idiot!” I know, it seems like it shouldn’t work, but it probably would.
They could definitely repeal or rework some of it, but that doesn’t help the people that will be seriously affected in the interim. Grad students will still be screwed, people in medical care facilities will still be screwed, etc. It’s cold comfort to think of 2018 if this passes.
They’re ramming it through now so they can get Cheeto Benito to sign off on it, before the shit really hits the fan with Mueller’s investigation and they all have to act like they never even heard of this Tromp guy.