Scara-Moochi Did The Fandango

I get so fucking angry reading these stories. Time after time after time, “I feared for my life”. Meanwhile about 10 blocks away from my work, a white man drove down the sidewalk and killed 10 people, got out of the van, held up a cell phone claiming it was a gun and the police officer walked right up to him and

Fox News: “No more whining because after May 29 racism will cease to exist!”

One of the bombshells already dropped on Friday with the reporting that Cohen - his personal “lawyer” he barely lawyers for him - was basically in Prague colluding with the Russians in the run-up to the election.

My name is Arturo, I love sweet potato fries, and I will never apologize for who I am. Never.

The conservatives concern over immigration is based on racism and not economic well-being (as they would claim). It is nothing more than racism with a faux veneer of legitimacy.

Most faith-based films are Evangelical, though. I was actually wondering from the review if this was a Catholic production - the apostles and early church get a lot more focus from Catholics, Evangelicals seem more interested in showing God taking action in modern day.

A dude, disguised as dude, who was a dude that was disguised as another dude, who looks like that dude for real! Fucking epic. Just what I needed today.

If big businesses are dropping the NRA, does that mean republicans in congress are soon to follow???

So Trump firing Mueller now would be enough for impeachment EXCEPT that the GOP are a bunch of anti-American, sellout bitches.

This can’t be right. How could Trump be out-smarted? He has the best brain. He has the best words. He is a genius, a stable genius. And he passed that very hard cognitive abilities test with the best score over recorded.

In California we do say “the”. It’s how we determine who the new transplants are so we can try to get them to pick up the bar tab. I’ve been drinking free for years now.

Listen, every conservative in this country saw millions of Muslims dancing in the streets of New Jersey after 9/11, and if you ask to see video proof, that just means you’re a secret Muslim, too. I don’t see why this is so hard to understand.

I hate people who are slavishly obsequious towards the military, but if you ever happen upon a WWII vet, do yourself a favor and spend a few moments talking to them if the opportunity presents itself.

Well, guess that explains why Sweets died on Bones.

You must watch the Dr. Phibes movies.

I love those too, and actually, that Tonight Show clip just made me appreciate Bill Hader’s spot-on vocalization ever more.

I think Americans should really stop to dictate how other countries should react to things. The joke was only about the fact that the truffle is italian, and is well groomed, it did not imply in any way that other italians smell in any way...What I find really offensive in this article is the use “ethnic group”

In other words “ffaaaggeeeehhhdddaaaabbbooouutttiiiiihhhhttt”

As a New Yorker who’s 100% Italian and has been the subject of racial/cultural stereotyping my whole life (are you sure you’re not in the mafia? wow look at all the hair on your chest! wait say ‘gabagool’ again!) let me be the first to say who gives a fuck.

Both are bad reasons to leave the house.