Scara-Moochi Did The Fandango

He looks like Danny Rand’s brother. He’s the Iron Rapist.

A white man just walked into a Walmart, shot 3 people dead and walked out. Anyone hear from Trump yet? The police are already making their “Just a guy” comments.

“Why does the boos need to sink in?”

Sorry for my mistake. I didn’t realize you were being sarcastic.

I’m assuming this is sarcasm. I can’t tell these days.

So the NYPD has already labeled this as terrorism. See if it is a brown guy it’s terrorism, if it is a white guy in a hotel suite with a bunch of guns shooting at concert goers it’s a lone wolf that just wants to exercise his second amendment rights.

Pictured: Fox News employees fleeing at the sight of Tomi Lahren arriving for her interview.

You know what else? I want all those flag humping idiots who are sooo offended by a kneeling athlete to be way up in arms over a campaign manager committing “crimes against the United States”..

Tom Hanks. It’s always Tom Hanks

See Carradine, David.

I don’t know either. I had a friend who died suddenly of a heart attack. No lingering or knowing that it was coming. Yet in the couple of weeks before his death, he had made a point of visiting people dear to him and cleaning up outstanding concerns and letting them know he loved them. Something moved him to do so.

Thanks for this article. The comments are equally interesting!

Guy Fieri went to UNLV and he turned out fine

Sounds similar to Mr. Ford’s last incident

Well that’s pretty s3xy

I worked retail consumer electronics sales in my early/mid 20's. Straight commission, and I was pretty good at what I did.

So, I guess, why do they even let people just walk into their dealerships? If they are going to be condescending douchebags and shatter any illusion of approachability and inclusivity immediately upon entering, then why even let people enter?

Here here, rude service never has a reason. And before some snow flake says, “But if the customer is rude”, no. You always remain professional. Always period. If anyone of my employees acted in such a fashion they would be finding new employment and I would be personally contacting the customer offer my apology, and

I always find it funny when dealership employees or any employee for that matter make fun of people who can’t afford a $200k car or other pricy stuff. Dude, you are a sales employee. You can’t afford that shit either, so don’t act all mighty.

I will be curious to see what the fallout will be. I have a feeling lots of these early adopters are expecting a $35K version of the Model S, when what I think like people will get is a “sexier” Chevy Bolt for that money.