Scara-Moochi Did The Fandango

I started adjusting 2 weeks ago, going to bed 15 min before my normal time, waking up 15 min early then 30 min and so on... Also started working an hour earlier. Now I’m at 45 min early bed time and hour early wake time. Getting old and DST gets crappier each year

I believe one of the reason why AAA isn’t on the list or studies is that their policy is for 12-months where as the other companies are only 6-months, so it might throw off their charts?!? To add I have AAA and for my policy cycle for this year June ‘15 - June ‘16 I paid $260!!!

It’s a reboot on top of a reboot within a reboot

Also in some cases industry jargon takes on a whole different meaning from person to person. You may be using a jargon that’s in context to what you’re saying but the person you’re talking to, to them that jargon means a completely different thing.

Great Idea. But I think the TSA screeners might have a hard time comprehending the letter or tell you that reading isn’t part of their job.

Fairy dust is a hell of a drug.

Regarding the Gwen Stefani story: Ummm celebrities with hot nannies fire them now!

But would the Lakers properly develop and use Okafor and Porzingis the way their teams has been using them?

Don’t forget he was also probably hoping she could hear him yell stop

Dr. Mumbles McGee

Now playing

Totally agree with you with TED talks, it has turned into a ginormous circle-jerk of people who like to hear themselves talk.

I’m not a female but I’m pretty, pretty, pretty sure foam shouldn’t be squirting out of her bewbs. She should get those checked out

LAPD won’t release the footage unless a judge orders it, all other parties who want the footage released is SOL unless ordered by a judge. Also the camera isn’t on all the time, the officer wearing the camera has the option to turn it on or leave it off.

I sure could shoot someone in the face right about now

Strength: Loves water

Is it weird that the porn parody Wonder Woman looks way less slutty and the costume is actually better?

All those kettle bell swings didn’t do Didd(l)y squat.