
“Are you Kevin Feige?”

If there is one thing the wealthy are willing to burn the world over, it’s losing 1 cent to taxes.

Guess I’m going to have to watch that documentary on an AI that classifies things as Grandmas or potatoes -Spud, or Nan? - some other day.

I was listening to some early Doors today and had the thought it would be cool if by some trick of space and time Brian Eno produced something by them.

Damn, Eno comin’ in with the Warm Jets set to HOT

Before the “NFTs are dumb because energy usage/hype/poor artists” and “NFTs are great because there are a handful of legit use cases” crossfire starts, let’s all just remember that those are both sideshows: NFTs are primarily a mechanism for the super-rich to avoid taxes and launder money.

Stop eating dog!

Dog Disagrees with Man

“Excuse me, I’d like two tickets to see the film about the success of the founder of White Castle, Slider Man, please.”

Interesting fact: dozens of people each year are bitten by a radioactive James Spader. He’s a keen amateur physicist and also a deeply troubled misanthrope.

All those people who meant to make it up to Ridley Scott by seeing ‘The Last Duel’ this weekend are feeling quite foolish right now.

Headline: Man Shares Objectively Correct Opinion.

We’ve gone to see Spider-Man by mistake.

It’s possible, but I think the simpler explanation is that the movie literally summons everyone who knew who Spiderman is to the same place. Maybe the movie industry should try magicking their way to recovery.

I thought I was going to see 1985's Kiss of the Spider Woman.

“I knew it was a mistake to release my documentary about James Spader’s attempt to make a Dragnet reboot, Spader Ma’am, this same weekend!”

It’s entirely possible millions of people meant to buy tickets for something else this weekend and mistakenly bought tickets for Spider-Man instead.

It’s an easy fuckin’ question to answer.

Like most op-ed columns on Jezebel, I picture its author delivering the thesis to a tea party of stuffy friends in her inpatient facility.