
I think that it was more along the lines of my belief that changing people’s attitudes is often very slow and happens in many tiny steps. For example, 20 years ago I went back to university (in the northeastern U.S.) when I was in my early 30's. In one of my courses a discussion occurred in which the professor asked

About to get on a plane to go see my 85 year old mother in America for the first time in almost 3 years. Wish me luck everyone.  

They should just remake "The Breakfast Club" in the Star Wars universe.  

I haven’t looked at a map or anything to confirm, but the more reasonable parts of Michigan can become part of Canada if there's no other option when you break up the U.S. It’s okay with me.

I'm gonna wait for the Snyder-cut. 

Hi Krispy - It sounds as if your shelter supervisor is on some sort of power trip. Just be careful, despite the fact that you’re a great asset who’s done nothing wrong. So apparently my friend Alyssa’s cat has 28 toes! I haven’t yet seen this one in real life, but I might try to confirm at Christmas time if I finally

I haven’t seen any in this thread so far, but I’m always amazed by those people who believe that films are shot in sequence (from opening scene to final scene) and that the entire cast is on set all day, every day.  

Hold on a second there, I thought that you only had to face east if it was on a Tuesday? Are you telling me that I've got to do this all over again? 

When I was just out of high school I once told my friend’s incredibly gullible brother that eating a can of raw kidney beans would "cure" the heartache he felt after being dumped by his girlfriend.  We found him eating the beans straight from the can a few hours later.  I still feel kinda guilty about that one. 

That’s time-traveling, interdimensional laser sharks to you buddy. 

On the one hand you’re correct, but you’ve also underestimated the true record of the Borax cure as an anti-liquid/nanotechnology solution. Recent excavations in southern Utah have revealed fossilized evidence that even the fearsome tyrannosaurus rex was known to use Borax in order to defeat nanotechnology, but the

This will be Greg Abbott's next big anti-abortion idea for Texas. 

But what about the transdimensional alien mind control parasite worms? Will your so-called "cure" also remove them? Inquiring minds want to know.  /s 

I had exactly the opposite mental image of a lobster giving God "the claw". 

The first season is "okay" and that's only because of the cast. Not the story. 

Broadchurch wasn't actually any good, but yet we all felt compelled to watch it. There. I've finally spoken the unspoken truth. 

I think you’re forgetting that covid was initially far more likely to kill off “non-whites” prior to the development of the vaccines, so many of those right wing nut jobs seemed just fine with that. Then the vaccines arrived and they decided it was all a conspiracy and a true MAGA patriot should never take such a

I tell people over & over again that it’s simply not worth it to spend an excessive amount of time shopping for the “best price”. Instead you should just look for a “fair price” from a company you feel that you can trust and you feel comfortable doing business with. Every business needs to make a profit. 

YOU might not be saying that he’s a bad actor, so I’ll say it for you. He’s a bad actor. Unless you want someone who is completely stiff & uninspired, that is. Apparently he's a nice guy, but I'm thinking he should be relegated to the local dinner theater circuit. 

I was on a Medtronic insulin pump for 20 years before switching to a Tandem pump earlier this year (and I will be switching BACK to Medtronic as soon as I am able to). I’ve never even heard of a remote control for the pump before this article, so my guess is that this might not really affect that many people.  You