
It might’ve been his own invention. “He plays the character with a slight southern U.S. accent, and had initially wanted to ad-lib a catchphrase for the character feeling that all Star Trek captains should have one, coming up with “git’r done” which the writers turned down due to it being widely used and copyrighted

Can these images not just be linked any more?

I’m kind of starting to worry about the hyperactiveness of these characters over giving them actual personality. Quackfaster being some manic lunatic? Why, exactly? Does everyone need to be bouncing off walls?

Absolutely not. In the comics, Gyro is sympathetic and innocent, and very naive.

Was that Roxanne, Max’s love interest in the Goofy Movie, on the bus?

Yeah! That’s Tom Hardy’s job!

Danish, not Dutch. But yes.

Her mother’s of Indian descent, not African.

See: the new Ducktales.

These last two episodes made me realize I don’t really give a shit about the mythology. The reason season 1 and parts of season 2 and FWWM worked so well was the emotional resonance and because you cared about the characters.

Season 3 has a bit of that, but mostly it focuses on the mythology way too much. It being a

Wait, people hate HONY, for some reason?

It took me 21 clicks (I counted) to get back to my own comment to see this. Jeez.

Is there any way to sort comments? Or some easy way to open them all at once? Scrolling-clicking-scrolling-clicking was an issue in Disqus too, but Kinja seems to open an even smaller amount of comments.

Is there any way to sort comments, at all? I can’t even find my own back, no profile to click.

Can the navigation bar for TV Club/Film/Gameological etc. on the top please not disappear when you go into the specific sections? Also, is there no way to see grades easily any more?

Might want to tell people to turn off pop-up blockers, most of kinja gets blocked otherwise.

Also, aren't they aunt and nephew? Not that that's necessarily a dealbreaker in this universe, but still.

Damn, Matt Damon is slowly starting to look like Meth Damon.

Damn he really… understood the pitch of the movie? Great.
