Do keep in mind prospective viewers that Richard isn’t even doing justice how bad the fanservice can get. In one episode, the fighter of the party(the redhead) was *ahem* licked by a dog to till she pretty much reached orgasm. Yeah.... >_>;
I am a bit phobic about air travel. I’m the spazzy person who white knuckles the arm rest and goes into meditative breathing anytime the captain mentions it’s time to buckle up because we have some turbulence ahead. But twice now I have been seated next to the only person on the plane who was more afraid to fly than I…
For every invention built by mankind... someone will
mis(correctly)use it for porn.
The best part of the reveal was how awkward the trio acted with each other. I guess this is why Bungie doesn’t like matchmaking for Raids.
that worked faster than I expected
“Containing an estimated $1000 worth of hardware and games”
It’s the Mariachi Highlander! In the end there can be only Juan!
So you travelled to a foriegn country to live there and break its laws but felt victimized by its law enforcement? Arrogant Americans never cease to amaze...
wrong perspective.
I could list some things she could do to be better at her own supposed job.
Cortana may be gone, but at least I still have you, sweet railgun.
I find it a little ridiculous that you're talking about bias. If Young is unwilling to accept clear evidence of sexual assault - and perhaps she is - you're equally unwilling to accept clear evidence of consent where it clashes with the alleged complainant's claim. The fact of a claim does not make that claim more…
Well, the Darkness is suppose to be the enemy of the Traveler.
So Steam doesn't want to be steamy. Hmmm.
Any game that has a breast slider and a breast bounciness slider should be given awards.
One of the worst things to come out of gamergate is that it gave her validity in the eyes of those that don't know better. Apart from the obviously vile attacks and threats, it's the single worst thing to come out of this whole debacle. Her arguments and conclusions are so flimsy that she could have been argued into…