This was how I imagined Thor to look like before they cast Hemsworth and that sexy sexy body of his. *drool*
This was how I imagined Thor to look like before they cast Hemsworth and that sexy sexy body of his. *drool*
Esti de tabernak il existe des francophones en dehors de votre criss de pays.
(am I doing it correctly?)
Read this. It’s ridiculous.
Hey! Are you the same Sir TapTap who did this:
Holy ballz on a stick... I got curious and looked up this whole saga and it’s meeeeessseeed up.
Yeah it’s usually never worth it if you don’t have money. A lawsuit can take years and often times you won’t even be able to recoup the legal costs, let alone actual damages.
This is dependent on the contract between her and Rich. If the contract between them was something like equal share of the rights, she actually has grounds to file DMCA take downs against anyone who uses the work . I don’t agree with what she’s doing, but it’s not completely one sided.
I think upon scrutiny she’ll most…
Yeah sounds like it... the whole situation seems pretty shitty for the devs. I remember my Intellectual Property professor stressing just how important it is to have bullet proof contracts when it comes to copyright specifically because of the possible shenanigans both sides can pull and just how stupidly expensive…
Never played Destiny... seriously considering jumping in for the expansion.
Is this kinda like MMO Borderlands?
Well i’m sure this has been reported in a few other places and generally I assume Indie studios keep at least an eye out on gaming blogs, certainly one as big as Kotaku.
If people talk to each other as much in the indie gaming industry as pretty much any other tech industry, won’t be long before she becomes persona…
Welp... someone isn’t gonna get any work from the industry any time soon.
To be fair... Given his inability to admit he’s wrong and his condescending attitude... definitely French.
Also... is a French Grammar Nazi technically a Grammar Vichy-ist?
Came for the “putain”s.
Left disappointed.
Did you have to use “mec” just to prove you’re stereotypically french? A couple of “putain” would have been nice.
Eeeuururrrngh... fine... have my star
All MLB players are Hanzos.
Crap, there was actually a really good comic about a Super Heroe’s seamstress but I can’t remember the name for the life of me.
Interesting... Luna Freya always struck me as French for some reason.