Watching all your friends die as you suffer the twilight of unending youth.
Watching all your friends die as you suffer the twilight of unending youth.
Interesting... so my wife is hardcore into Dota 2 (I introduced her to the game and now she nags me to play more with her). We have a group of about 20 players we form teams with and I think only 3 are girls. What I’ve noticed is that my wife does NOT get along with any of the girls. It’s either “oh they are a ditz”,…
Weird how the only thing I noticed after watching that video was that these girls are downright civil compared to how that argument would have gone down if it were two guys, which would have gone something more like this:
“You f-word n-word c-word, go f-word yourself. I hope you f-word [something horrible]. I’m going…
I’m fine with Bastion entering my waifu since he’s technically just a sentient vibrator.
Unless my waifu is Orissa, in which case that’s like totally cheating on me.
Jesus. Relax. I’m talking about her other works where she cosplay as male characters and she genuinely pulls it off (could be photoshop). It was a fucking compliment to the diversity of these cosplayers, not sure why you would assume that to be a negative thing unless you got some deep rooted issues.
HAHAHAHA i remember that time when Jalopnik cross post an article about “Why Girls don’t care about what you Drive” to Jezebel and it was like the Middle East in the comment section.
I think we should cross post everything from Kotaku to Deadspin and watch the dudebros have an aneurysm.
I just looked through some of their work and I can honestly not tell if they are male or female....
Meh. Chinese police usually don’t do much to foreigners. Not worth the trouble. They’ll just ship him home on the next flight. Though pretty sure he’s never getting a Visa to China anytime soon.
That’s not her.. it’s
I’m kidding... pls don’t repeat No Man’s Sky incident... no seriously...
Ahhhh secret repressed sibling fetish I see! No worries, it’s a safe space here.
Also... they ain’t related in the anime.
How the fuck do you get rear ended at that speed and NOT realize it?
Isn’t that currently glitched? I just watched a SingSing game and they tried to stun a TP with the tether and didn’t work.
Oh god, with the new Sven changes I can see the “surprise-motherfucker” IO relocate strat come in. Granted that arcana makes IO’s relocate way more easy to spot.
Unless game is a MOBA in which case only the accepted meta should be played or not you are soooo reported.
I think people are taking this anti cultural appropriation thing a bit far.
There are definitely cases where cultural appropriation is highly insulting and where it desecrates the original meaning of what it appropriates. But then there is harmless shit like wearing a Qi Pao if you aren’t Chinese or white dude in…
If I remember correctly, can’t you use a brace to correct Pectus Carinatum? Though that may only be effective at a younger age. I had a friend that had a brace on for specifically that condition and he’s pretty much normal looking now.
Preeeeeetty sure Air Force One has wifi.