
Wonderful article and one that every student in CS should probably read before job hunting.

Lizard penis

Not an American? My bad then. Rest of my post about you spouting bullshit about China still stands. You being there does not seem to have helped with your bigotry.

But since you mentioned it. Sure, why don't we take a look at what you said:

And you probably didn't read the first sentence of the second paragraph.


Even if Shanghai (which is where Tiny Times takes place) had a University that looked like that, you probably wouldn't see any of it through the smog... and no, no such University like that. Actually... don't take anything in that movie seriously... ever.

How would you take it knowing that Americans are considered by most of the world to be obese, warmongering, gun toting retards that couldn't paddle themselves out of a simple 3rd grade math quiz if their life depended on it (and if they can't shoot their way out of it with their guns)?

Probably not well... because

The Great Leap forward was not the first (hopefully the last) great purges of intellectuals/artists in China's history. The Chinese people have survived hundreds of wars, natural disasters, famines, foreign invasions and just down right horrible events. Mao's reign sure didn't help things but it wasn't even close to

They'd probably point to their 5000 years of history, art, culture, architecture, cities, scientific discoveries and tell you to kindly shove your false western sense of superiority up your ass.

If the Americans want her by all means they can have her.

Oh good god... even for anime there is a line and those loli pictures crossed it.

Blood Money > All other Hitman game

HAHAHAHAHAHA... good one... *wipes away tear*

God I hope you are right about ellenjane, because I read that thread and she sounds REALLY whacked out...

Wait what? MRAs complained on IMDB boards about Magic Mike? Now that I got to go see.

uuuuuh... not sure i'd agree with "vast" majority... an "uncomfortable" majority maybe...

I think it's important to not clump all psychological illnesses together. Mental illness does play a factor in the likelihood of a person committing violent acts, just not ALL mental illness.

I would be much more wary of being stuck in a locked room with a sociopath than with someone suffering from Down Syndrome.

Well, after reading your post I was curious at how easily she'd flip and poked her a few times and she did that to me too! Granted I must admit I did egg her on a bit... but yeah... mental issues.

Hmmm... 9/10 for pent up frustration, but you could diversify your insults a bit more.

It just seems that this tragedy is rooted in more than just misogyny. Don't get me wrong, Elliott Rodger was as misogynist as they get, but he was also a severe narcissist, suffered from toxic entitlement, and a bunch of other Cluster B personality disorders. My reply was in response to you saying that this rampage