I remember I begged my parents for a PS1 when I just started high school... i had dreams about it for like a solid month... when my dad finally caved I was the happiest boy on the planet.
oh this brings back memories
Ok that was actually kind of disturbing...
There are actually not THAT expensive... not more than when laser printers first came on the market.
Ok yeah... have to agree... i couldn't even finish watching that clip...
So is calling a comment moronic without offering any explanation? And this is also completely ignoring the fact that my original post was just me ranting and not a serious comment.
So I assume you are fully supportive of this type of behavior?
You are completely ignoring the difference in culture here. You have to understand that most chinese parents lived through Mao's rule, including famines, purges and a cultural revolution. Most want their kids to have what they never did. Compound that with poverty and a general low level of education and you get…
They need to ban the one child policy in China so you don't get spoiled little fuck faces like this kid or make it legal to kill your own kids if they turn out to be spoiled little fuck faces like this kid.
Just in case:
ROFL... best comment in that thread "Man you really put your dick in crazy"
you know there is a glitch in game that allows that right?
war loving, homophobic, inbred dimwits = harmless stereotype?
and we all know how that ended for Germany...
This. So much win.
usually someone ramming a capital so it can't align... thou that was ages ago
Hmmm... Constitutional interpretations is not a simple thing... This is why constitutional law is ofter a YEAR long class in law school.
Good god... what have you started...