Needs a bigger hammer. I hear Jeremy has one or two he might loan you...
Needs a bigger hammer. I hear Jeremy has one or two he might loan you...
also never exceed the posted limit while in Virginia on public roads.
well said! My thoughts were similar
I like your thinking. +1
I laughed. Good work Jalop
I literally laughed. Good work , Jalop!
you win all the internetZ today for choosing wisely
+1000 internetz for appropriate Pamther platform menacing technique. Good work Jalop!
Tyler thank you for always teaching. Every time I read f/a I learn more about that hardware that protects us. You add more information and knowledge in your writings than 9 /10 of the other places I look to learn more. Appreciate your work
Mr. Glickenhaus , you are a god among mere mortal men! I watched it full screen on my 50inch with the 5.1 sound set up cranked up. i must go smoke a ciggarette now and shower
screams for the whole" Come at me, bro" doesn't it?
thisis pretty close to what I gave 50 bucks for and drove for almost a year
This question was on the OK test in 1991 when I took the written test for my permit in March the Wednesday before spring break. The highway patrol office where I took my test was deserted, the examiner asked if I was prepared for the driving exam. Sweated buckets of perspiration on the parallel parking, got…
oooh an internetz pissing contest! i.ll get the popcorn and enjoy the show
one of my favorite cars I have not seen anyone mention yet. all because of Gran Turismo
to Anthony Thank you . Now show us what you can do with the slant nose since we're daydreaming out loud. Go crazy shows us what you can do
Pretty sure that's a Lambo, dude
man , graverobber , have mercy! that was COLD. Here I sit, in shock from being Rick Rolled. Jalops are a cruel sort of evil genius at times, ought be locked in the proverbial glass box, like so many mimes.
+100 for Orloving the baja . boomerfreakinggenerous with his celebratory internetz today
"because that's my favorite warning light in the history of warning lights.". EVER!!! +1000 INTERNETZ FOR YOU! disclaimer... boomer might be freakin inebriated before the night is through , though at the moment boomerfreakincelebrating I am inching closer to catching a UNICORN