TinFoil Knight

I haz so much want for Jalopnik stickers for Marie my Mustang

game over. WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER! i would so ray wert this. it would be glorious..........

Kinja strikes again....

wasnt the starlet RWD?

Kinja strikes again...

the Isuzu Impulse comes to mind...man the 2 i owned were both quick zippy responsive fun to drive.the gear ratio seemed just about perfect for me at the time. 19 year old still learning how to properly execute heel toe techniques , keeping the power in the sweet spot, and so on. I think it was car& driver that

"bring the wonk" I lol'd. and spewed coca cola like a human Old Faithful. +1000 internetz for you

I applaud your choice Doc! I was so proud of myself that I actually knew what make/model. even more so when I proved to my cousin(who's more like little brother than cousin) that ""no , its not a Lambo brother"" ring the bell school's in and grandmaster big brother is about to school you in google smack fu

I'd offer $1500 for it. The bed would have to go, I'd dd it as a cab n chasis until a decent bed came along, or if nothing else my uncle still has the flatbed/towtruck rig he saved from the yard truck on the salvage he used to own. I can see options for this, all because my dad had a yellow LUV back when i was a

geez this thing is massive. Can it be seen from space?

achievement unlocked! clever puns pwns

+100 internetz for you for the captain obvious, and +500 more cause the whole rockchops handle is cool. i wish i were that clever

thank you for this. i luvs it!

came for the OMGWTFBBQ, jalop did not disappoint. great work guys. keep it up. quality journalism

ah well my bad for not seeing the obvious distinction. and well gotta give props for the excursion, that is no small feat. much respect for that. congrats on finding a keeper. and BOOMER SOONER!cant help it. im watching the sugar bowl

damn the expense man. you need at least a dozen!

Neutral: Have You Ever Bought A Minivan? What was the overriding factor that had you choose one over another? Would you ever buy a minivan if you haven't?

will not dd a manual ?even if free? (blasphemy) -grounds for divorce..... "irreconcilable differences" . in the world according to Davy, if a chick can't operate a 5mt, chances are the 1st date will end early and there will not be a second date. I refuse to consider a women potential LTR material if she, cant drive

+100 internetz for this. Well said.

the british accent from the gps tripped me out the first time I heard it, my buddy Steve is so fond of it he named her Fiona. She sounds almost exactly like my friend Joanna whose accent is very authentic.