
First of all, I'm not a Democrat or Republican. I really can't stand politics and I see no point in tying myself to a party and trying to convince myself that everything one party says is Gospel. I don't even see how it's possible for a person to agree completely or almost completely with a group of people. Real

The blathering comes from both sides on several major news networks. If you can't see that, then you lack the ability to be objective.

That's sickening.

Buy clothes that fit and stop lying to yourself about being a size (insert size you were in high school here).

Do you have a source for that price?

It sounds like you need a laptop, not a tablet.

Certainly that price will change VERY soon. And to be fair, it's $599, not $800. You're comparing the wrong versions. Even then, the Xoom has 32GB and not 16GB. I'm guessing they'll have a $50 price break ($549) in the next month followed by another $50 in May ($499).

My hands are quite normal. And I own an iPad. I need enough bezel to prevent accidental presses on the screen, but not so much that two-handed thumb typing is awkward. Plus, the higher screen to bezel ratio, the more futuristic/awesome/radical/tubular the device looks.

The display resolution is higher than the iPad 2, so the iPad 2 is a year behind in technology. Way to go.

Is it still there, I thought that page had been taken down? I'm hoping that those prices that popped up everywhere were correct.

What about the ASUS Eee Transformer? That should be arriving any day now and, according to rumors, should have a fair price. And the specs are pretty much identical.

Ha, Yes. Whoops! Too late to edit. Oh well, it's Monday. I have 6 more days to redeem myself.

"You can't spell overreacting with ovary." -Peter Griffin

That was therapeutic.

The people who really need this advice seem far too clueless to ever follow it.

Exactly. Why in the world would anyone come on here pissed off about what games do and do not appear on a list? Take a pill folks. Or 3 or 4.

There are plenty of people here (including myself) that have never seen this.

You obviously don't use any streaming services. I managed 3.5+GB in a few days over Christmas. I travel quite a bit too, so me and Netflix are like totally BFF.

Kudos to them. It's too bad Apple gets part of that.

Good for that little bastard. He deserves that and more.