
Why doesn't every iPad/iPhone just come with an ED-209? I think that would be more effective. Though I hear they have some bugs to work out still.

My wife is an ER nurse and frequently has stories of objects being removed from patient's orifices. But the worst she's told me about is a guy who let a worm crawl into his penis. At some point he realized that he couldn't get it out and had to make a trip to the ER.

@Jonan A. Paredes: Friends, family or coworkers can share the device without having to setup email accounts for everyone in the default mail app. And they can still maintain their email privacy.

Kudos to Google for always being thoughtful of this kind of stuff.

Well, as childish as it sounds, my wife and I get an allowance. We are older and more well established now, so we agreed on a decent amount. We can each spend it on whatever we want without the other one bitching about it. It's nice for buying things that she thinks are unnecessary...which to her, is everything I

@gerb01311: Read my reply to myself or to Arbron.

@tineras: CLARIFICATION: Take it easy people. This comment is meant to be light-hearted. I sit in front of a computer all day for work and also play several PC games. I can definitely appreciate a nice keyboard. But I honestly could not think of any button-mashing PC games that demanded such effortless keystroking

@Arbron: My comments were directed specifically at gamers. And I didn't intend for everyone to get all angry pants over it. It was meant to be a light-hearted comment.

@Fossa: Lighten up a bit. It was a joke.

"On the way out I made sure to drop an empty baggie on the ground outside his room."

What games require so many repetitive key presses that makes gamers actually get "fatigued?"

@TheTonyShow: Me too. I probably won't rush out to the store on day one, but if I see it on the shelf, I'll pick it up. As long as it's not garbage, that is. Man, I miss the MK2 days.

@TigerKnee: 'Test Your Might' is what put me over the edge. These games are so unrealistic sometimes. Nobody can break a giant diamond in half with their bare hands. (again, sarcasm)

@iPolak: I'm assuming you're being sarcastic. To me, a tablet should be able to function like a whiteboard. I want to be able to scribble notes and drawings along with text. The iPad is not a good input device in that respect.

@talkingstove: I can understand not caring for tablets, but why are you 'anti-tablet'?

You know, I really want a nice tablet. But I would really like to see a pen or stylus input.

It's a good thing that most criminals are also morons.

@Hardcore1: I don't agree with everything he says, but calling him a "tard" is just unnecessary. He is not taking "50+ vitamins a day thinking that it will make him immortal." He is taking those supplements so that he can live long enough to reap the benefits of potential longevity treatments that would allow him