
What about the fire in this one? Right in the center.

@LBtheWise: As TheCrudMan said, comments are promoted automatically when you reply. I have no control over this. And now your comment has been promoted.

@Mike Worldcrusher: "All without having to pay the additional $20 per month that AT&T stupidly wants you to pay for that kind of service."

This is pretty common in the simulation industry. We have three 2048x1536 projectors in our office being displayed on a large spherical dome. And it's all seemlessly blended.

Well, now is the time to start saving for one of the many tablets that will be coming out by year's end.

@ToonLink97: Agreed. It's just three reflections. Not even close to 3D.

@Taylorc52: "Duke doesn't allow qwerty either."

@Taylorc52: "will not allow color screens"

I have been using my TI-89 a lot lately and keep thinking about how it needs a serious display and interface upgrade. (Display at the very least)

@hawkeye18: That's the only way to get rid of extra terrestrial spyware though.

Rated M for Avatar Upskirts.

@NOLA girl: I'm very sorry to hear that. You could give Craigslist a go! J/K

@femme-bot: Ha. Very true. I do not miss the dating scene, that's for sure. There's just too much pressure. I can't decide if it's better or worse than going on a job interview.

@NOLA girl: That's a pretty wide gap. I don't think you'll have any problems finding someone in that range.

@im.thatoneguy3: Okay, well you're pointing out an extreme there. Of course if you're a 30 year old, 20k person then I'd expect you to be a red dot. But I know a lot of great people that make 40k-60k, but won't get messaged just because of that fact. No, they are not aspiring doctors, but they are great people and

@femme-bot: I have an Electrical Engineering degree, so I do alright. But like Cromwell said, it's just painful to see it in graph form.

@Cromwell: Exactly. And they wonder why their relationships don't last.