
@hurbieta: "Will work for computer time so I can post on Gizmodo"

At this point, even Steve Jobs has switched to Verizon.

I'd call it speed tape too to avoid controversy. It sounds so cool.

@wsu_ryan: Me too. First try from AT&T. Apple online didn't work.

AT&T ordering worked for me. Back to bed.

@maryp.nic: You could move to the US. Or Apple could move to Canada.

I think the theme is "Pause for applause"

@Gaucho85: Me too. This is the first year I actually forgot about E3 until I saw the posts this morning.

@hurbieta: Yea, I have absolutely NO desire to use wifi while in McDs. It's not exactly a place to sit and relax. That is, unless you are a hobo.

They are indeed trendsetters.

Will you be able to preorder online? Not just Best Buy online. I mean online anywhere (like Apple or ATT)

@Yahweh Took My Prepuce: The only way to really appreciate the screen is close up with your own eyeballs. I am eager to see it. Good thing we don't have to wait too long.

That video was useless

Still nothing compared to the Dell Streak.

"As of now, there are no current plans to bring Red Dead Redemption to the PC platform. If that should change, we will let you know".

Who in the world would send business to them?

@papayalily: I certainly didn't mean for everyone to take my comment so seriously. My apologies.

How is this helpful to men? Straight men.