
Hillary has done far worse!!!!!



I’ll pay for it... you go ahead and drink it!

It’s organiZations....

Well said Mr. Archer!!

I and millions of others are praying that PE Trump gets rid of Obamacare. So many lies to get this in place. IT IS A FARSE!! And the average American can NOT afford it!!!

Well said sir!!

Yeah... we can see that 😂😂😂😂

YOU don’t know if 180 million is what’s left after you exclude children and retirees.

Ok like you have room to talk about republicans!! You didn’t see us “NUTBAGS” crying our eyes out, having sit ins at schools to cry out about the election results, protesting and blocking roadways, rioting, etc,etc, by republicans when OBAMA won as such as we hated everything he stood for!!! Fox News is the ONLY

I think it’s going to get a hell of a lot BETTER!

Ok so they are only tracked for 12 months then they just fall off the face of the earth and are no longer counted!

I love Rush!!! He’s very informative and KNOWS what he’s talking about!!!