Tina Kramer

I think they're friends but neither ever forgets that they are also employer/employee.


Has there been any announcement? I know the actor who played Old Bert died last year.

It helps when you have the Blu Rays and can watch over and over again. :)

There's that inconvenient fact that Mary has always been very good to Anna and considers her a friend. If you're saying the only reason she's upset is because she's losing her maid, that is just silly.

You're welcome, Houtex77.

ITA it's tedious. I was over it last season.

I love that show. And yes,as soon as they started talking about a War Memorial on Downton, I knew they were going to do something very similar.

I think it's more that she wanted him to pine away just a little longer. She didn't want him and she's perfectly fine with Mabel getting him but she wanted him to suffer just a little more. Carson told her she could do better because he could tell they had very little in common.

That commenter was not very astute. First of all, she named the guy. His name was Peter Coyle. Second of all, when Green returned she had a perfectly normal conversation with him and didn't betray that she had ever met him before. Also, she wasn't in London that day.

They aren't allowed to do that.

Actually, from everything I've read whenever anyone refers to him by his title, he tells them to just call him Julian.

She was wearing that pants outfit she saw at the dress show. Lady Rose was such a lovely bride.

Actually, it was Mr. Carson who promoted Thomas. Robert only told Carson he had to keep him on and that was the only position available. Also, Thomas wasn't kept on because he was gay. He was kept on because Lord Grantham thought Carson needed to show his authority over the footmen who were kind of blackmailing

Actually, although the aristocracy as a whole were racist and anti-Semitic, that doesn't mean that every single person in it was. The Crawleys obviously are not.

No she didn't. She wanted to foreclose on the farm because Drewe's father hadn't paid rent in a long time. Drewe came to Robert and said he wanted to take over the tenancy but he didn't have the money to pay for it all. Robert agreed to make up the difference with his own money.

Edith does not have a lady's maid because she isn't married. Madge is or was the Head Housemaid so she does maiding duties for the single ladies of the house. When Anna was the Head Housemaid, she did maiding work for the Crawley sisters.

Mr. Mason doesn't own the land. He however does have the tenancy plus he owns all the stock, all the tools and he had "quite a bit put by." That's what he's planning to give her although I imagine she'll end up doing something else with it, like selling everything maybe.

Nowadays dogs can live to be in their twenties.

The original dog was named Pharaoh. I'll have to watch again to see if the name was ever mentioned.